I met Helen aka Nani2 aka The Yellor Rose in Webtv's alt.discuss.talk news group which at the time was one of the best talk groups in the alt.discuss heirarchy. The people got along well and we talked with each other about serious and nonsensical things. Not everybody liked each other as much as others and there were arguments but it was our home, our turf and when push came to shove we protected it. And if someone had serious problems, we were there for each other.
Helen was fun. I think everyone liked her. She had an offbeat sense of humor that was infectious. I think she would say, "Nah, I'm just crazy and I can't type worth a damn." And that's how she got her home page name YellorRose. She mistyped the r instead of a w and wondered what to do, whether to delete it and start over... or keep it. With the encouragement (or bad advice ;) of others, including me, she kept the YellorRose name.
She also built a Nani2_ site. I still haven't figured out why she had the underscore after Nani2. But inasmuch as I helped her a bit at times with her page building (as did others... we often helped each other), I guess I'm to blame as much as anyone. But anything good in her page, the credit goes to her unless she stated other wise.
We used to get in email-a-thons at times, firing emails back and forth. Sometimes she was involved with others at the same time. I remember one time she said she had seen Buddy Holly at a concert when she was a teenager. She told me when she saw Buddy Holly perform she was with one of her friends who became very starry eyed when Buddy sang a particular song. Helen's friend's name was Peggy Sue.
Following is a bit about her as told by her.
I was born in Texarkana, Arkansas/Texas. The reason I include both states... Dual Citizenship... The hospital where I was born is located on the state line. The maternity ward is on the Texas side and the delivery room is on the Arkansas side. So, who knows which state I was born in. My Mother was sedated... My Father was in a state of confusion... and my Uncle... who later became my Godfather was romancing all of the nurses. BTW, he later became a Priest. Could be that decision was made by him when he witnessed the birthing process. The courthouse later burned down and therefore... NO record of my birth... except the fact that...I AM HERE...
I grew up in Galveston, Texas. And I consider Galveston my Home Town. I attended Ball High School and the University of Texas.
bio taken from The Yellor Rose's home page
Touch the small Rose to visit Helen`s Piano Room