Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly (Houghton County)

The Copper Country Yoopers snow pad weather site for Copper Country weather data for snowmobiling and skiing conditions.

Houghton County weather mobile version

This page contains for the most part information on Copper Country weather, snow conditions, total snowfall and snowfall records in Houghton and Keweenaw County in Michigan's Upper Peninsula for those interested in skiing and snowmobiling in the midwest.
I used to run around outside with a can of Raid trying to eliminate those pesky snow flies when I got sick and tired of all the snowfall. Sometimes it worked fairly well. (I don't do that anymore. Enough already! I got better things to do.)
Heikki Lunta, the Finnish Snow God sure can do his thing around here, that's for sure!
We get enough snow for the skiers and snowmobilers to keep those folks happy anyway. And the toboggan users, too.
Snowfall history from 1890 through May, 2017
Snow totals for Houghton County, Michigan
Michigan Tech University Keweenaw Research Center
MTU KRC this season's weather stats and snow totals
Houghton, Michigan MTU live web cams
This is better then a fly swatter for killing snowflies.
Received a Medal for saving the Lower Peninsula from a migration of the vicious snowfly.
Sure 'nuff, I did. ROTFL (Works better then panking snow. Just don't like to pank snow. ;-)

Snowshoes and Yooper Scooper
How to clean a path of snow:
First, fill a snow scoop with snow to add weight to it and pull it down the pathway which pushes some snow to the side and to a certain extent panks some snow.
Secondly, empty the scoop and push it along the path scooping snow till the scoop is filled or else if over filled till it's too hard to push the scoop, dump the snow in the scoop along side of the pathway by pushing the scoop over the path snowbank and jerking it back, thus emptying the scoop. Continue procedure until path is done.
Thirdly, if the path is too narrow continue step two to make it wider or else put the scoop aside and strap on a pair of snowshoes and walk down the pathway including part of the path snowbank to widen it by panking the snow. It's easier then using a shovel but not as easy as using a snow thrower. Another solution to snow removal problems is to move south.
A NOAA weather observer suggested I might include a definition of panking snow. So here it is. Panking is generally done with a shovel by taking the shovel and hitting any unshoveled snow packing it so it'll harden making it easier to walk on. It can be done with swift short smacks or wild over the head swings if done when one is angry. The derivation of the term pank is unknown but it probably comes from a mispronunciation of a word from immigrants to the UP, probably in the Copper Country.
Weather condition sites, local news
with Copper Country skiing
and snowmobile trail conditions
MTU Mount Ripley Ski Hill
Keweenaw County Mount Bohemia Ski Hill
The Daily Mining Gazette
online newspaper in Houghton, Michigan
Portage Canal Lift Bridge cam and others from
Michigan Tech Winter Carnival
John Dee's Weather site in Lake Linden
Eagle Harbor cam (with archived pics)
Houghton County Historical Museum
Heikki Lunta Finnish Snow God
(Snow Dance Song origination)
Snow Flies, a scientific opinion

The Portage Lift Bridge which connects Houghton and Hancock is reputed to have the heaviest center lift span in the world.
View from Hancock eastern side.
snowmaker page 1
snowmaker page 2
The Blue Skirt Waltz, The Copper Country Anthem
animated images & cartoons